So Good had undergone a full flavoured, all-round character refresh based on the idea of ‘The Joy of the Moment’ to create a tasty and textural identity, with a playful attitude. Key to the identity was ‘So Type’ –a bespoke typeface, grown organically and specifically for the brand. We wanted readers to meet and get to know So Type’s unique characters, in the context of So Good’s, glass-half-full, take on life. The opportunity here, was to not only showcase a typeface, but to show the power of typographic personality to create category stand out, in tune with its natural origins
‘The So Type specimen booklet is in many ways a typographic cookbook, full of recipes for great typographic treatments, while highlighting the essential ingredients. The book aims to do more than be a type spec book, showing why the origins of this typeface creation are inextricably linked to So Good’s plant-based proposition. It’s a book that shows how type can express brand character through its type characters, a fiefdom of fun flavours and textures for So Good’s joyful moments.
So Type
The joy of the moment typeface
Typeface design