Packaging – bringing brand to the point of purchase

Milk has a rich 20 year history creating packaging that’s bold, creative but always aligned to its audience.

We’ve worked in hundreds of categories across Australasia with a firm focus on using design as a tool for growth & transformation. We make sure consumers are able to see the true value of the brands we work with.

We work with businesses and marketing teams across the spectrum, from new product packaging to large portfolios. We’re trusted to maintain the equity and integrity of some of the largest brands across Australasia.

Research & Insight

Our research process helps us make informed and objective creative decisions, ensuring our work meets the needs of our consumers.

  • We build a robust understanding of your brand & packaging world, including its assets, segments, products, and communications.

  • We analyse your competitors' essence, language, visuals, and communications.

  • We study the category, both domestically and globally, to identify useful ideas and trends for our packaging systems.

  • We gain a clear understanding of our consumers' thoughts, actions, and purchasing behaviours to define their attitudes.

  • We summarise our findings, challenges, opportunities, and insights, which guide our portfolio structure and future decisions.

Packaging Creative Strategy

The creative strategy sets our positioning in the market, it defines our opportunity and the ideas and voice that will get us there.

  • For larger portfolios we rebuild the architecture, making sense of its segments and sub-brands.

  • The creative idea is the core essence that we design to. It governs our thinking, design and gives us portfolio cohesion.

  • Our pillars are the attributes we want our consumer to know about our products.

  • We create compelling stories that speak to different consumer needs. This helps our on-pack communication.

Packaging Systems

Depending on the nature of the brief we have the capability to develop new packaging systems or redefine an existing range. No matter what we do, creative and production have equal importance and attention in the studio.

  • Taking the new or existing creative strategy we develop packaging concepts for new or existing brands.

    Depending on the nature of the brief, we define or evolve existing distinctive assets, always testing concepts on shelf shots.

  • As concepts are being signed off we will always setup a client / printer meeting to discuss print and substrate specifications to pickup issues early.

  • Once concepts are signed off, we apply our master design across all segments and skus, considering every area of the packaging, bringing together all elements including the narrative.

  • Our specialist in-house retouching resource gives us the ability to finalise high-quality imagery for packaging and other channels.

  • If illustration is needed, we are often able to complete this in-house as a number of our designers are illustrators. If it’s a complex or overly large output, then we work with our preferred partners.

Packaging Production

  • Packaging Artwork commences upon approval of the design.

    A full, artwork lay-down enables detailed content to be considered within the pack composition and regulatory constraints.

    We work through artwork refinements, physical mock-ups through to final design amends.

    Once we have sign off our production team complete all technical aspects of the artwork, as print ready files.

  • Print Management involves colour management and drawdowns (if required), production meetings with clients & printers, printer proof reviews and recommendations.

    We will adjust artwork as needed, and supply based on the agreed approach. We will always attend a press-pass if possible.

  • On dispatch of print-ready artwork, we will work through the development of realistic 3D packaging renders.

    We are able to deliver a range of different render outputs, both 2D and 3D.

Our packaging process is born from 20 years of award winning packaging experience. We work with businesses and marketing teams to help make futures that fit ambitions, finding ways to deepen their connection to consumers.
